QR Code Payments & You: How to Supercharge Efficiency

QR Code Payments UK

QR code payments (and indeed QR codes in general) are seeing a massive resurgence in the post-Covid world. From Covid-secure venue check-ins to instant payment links, businesses around the country are saving time and money by integrating QR technology into their business. In this article, we will look at some of the issues businesses are facing in their quest to retain and grow their customer base, and how Kayana Dine-In and Kayana technology can help.


The Elements of Customer Satisfaction

Timeliness and attentiveness are perhaps the most significant factors in customer satisfaction (and therefore total spend per customer), a link supported by several studies. According to a 2021 industry study, roughly 12% of UK restaurant-goers surveyed admitted to leaving a restaurant, cafe, or bar without paying the bill due to excessive waiting times, inability to find a member of staff or both. The impact on tips is also significant. Although understaffing is not the waitstaff’s fault, nine in ten respondents stated they had withheld tips due to sporadic or poor service, with 30% explicitly complaining of “being ignored when trying to pay”. Not only is this terrible for the bottom line of the venue, but it’s also a guarantee that your customers will not return and may even provide poor public reviews.


Looking beyond the payment stage itself, over half of respondents cited an inability to attract staff attention as one of the worst annoyances about eating out. Studies by Barclaycard shed more light on the matter. Out of 2,000 adults surveyed, it found there was an average wait time of nine minutes and 57 seconds between requesting the bill and settling it- something 36% of those surveyed identified as one of the most frustrating parts of eating out. While this is bad enough, it can lead to seriously negative word of mouth and reputation when combined with other complaints like incorrect orders.


Along with labour shortages, the pandemic has and continues to be an extreme drain on restaurants ability to staff and thereby provide timely service fully. Understaffing is currently rampant across the UK and US, and as a result, customers are more likely than ever to report poor or slow service. Though seemingly complex, addressing this issue is relatively straightforward. Across the many studies, customer complaints are interconnected by two factors; staff (and perhaps card machine) availability and total customer wait time.


QR Code Payments Can Save Time While Increasing Revenue

Kayana Dine-In technology is here to help! Our Partners app provides efficient reservation and table management for restaurants and customers, saving your staff time and your business money. Users can view table availability and request reservations right from their mobile devices, while restaurants can assign available tables and accept or reject reservations in real-time from their Kayana tablet. Once arrived, customers can easily check into their table by scanning the tabletop QR code.


Visual menus provide accurate photos of dishes and items before the customer orders, reducing mistakes from both customer and waiter, thereby reducing wastage. To provide more transparency into the ordering and preparation process, Kayana users receive real-time notifications as their order is accepted, prepared, and served. Still hungry? Keep ordering! Subsequent orders will all be added to the same bill. When it comes time to pay, Kayana can help in several ways. With Kayana, guests can choose to pay the bill from their saved payment cards as they order or at the end of the meal. They can even split the payment with other customers checked in at the same table. 


A Mastercard study found that customers using contactless payments were spending on average 30% more per transaction than their old-school counterparts, with the increased speed of transaction increasing customer satisfaction. Increased spend aside, contactless mobile payment solutions like Kayana allow the entire visit to proceed on the customer’s timeline, eliminating time spent catching the attention of staff and during the payment process itself. 

Happy with your current management system, but still want to simplify the payment process and save time for your business? We can help there too! Introducing Kayana App, our innovative QR code payments service that allows staff to generate a unique code for the total bill. This lets the customer pay as quickly (or as leisurely) as they like. No more rushing from table to table with a card machine; indeed, no more waiting for a card machine or staff at all! For a business with 100 covers a day, eliminating that 9 minute delay between payment request and final settlement would save approximately 15 hours per day. That’s enough to squeeze in an extra ten tables!

Ready to start saving your business time and money while improving efficiency and customer satisfaction? So are we! Get in touch via the link below, and get started with Kayana today; we can’t wait to hear from you.



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